You need 1 x 23cm Flan Tin


200gms Plain Flour

60gms Slightly salted Butter.

55gm Lard or shortening

1 Egg yolk

2 Tblsp cold water.

1 Egg white


8 - 10 Asparagus Spears

60 gms Grated mature cheddar cheese

120gm Cream cheese

15gms Grated fresh parmesan cheese

5 Rashers unsmoked streaky bacon

3 Med spring Onions - chopped

1 Tablespoon olive oil

2 Large eggs

280mls Single cream



Set the oven to 180°C Fan

Make the pastry case by rubbing the butter into the flour until it resembles fine breadcrumbs.

Add the egg yolk and enough cold water to hold the ingredients together into a soft dough.

Place in the fridge to chill for 30 minutes.

Roll out the pastry and fit to the flan tin and bake blind by placing baking parchment into the case and adding baking beans to weight it down. Cook for 10 minutes then remove the parchment and beans, brush the base of the case with the slightly beaten egg white and return to the oven for another 7-8 minutes to finish drying out. Leave aside.

Gently grill or fry the bacon rashers until just beginning to brown, set aside.

Prepare the asparagus by peeling the stalks and blanching the spears for 3 minutes in boiling water, drain and set aside.

Place the chopped onion over the pie base then sprinkle with the grated cheese and cut up bacon

Cut the asparagus spears so that you have the tip with about 2 inches of stalk. Cut up the pieces you cut off and place on top of the cheese and bacon.

Cut the cream cheese into chunks and place on top.

Lightly beat the 2 eggs, add the cream and seasoning to taste.

Pour over the ingredients and then spread the asparagus tips in a shape radiating out from the middle.

Sprinkle with the parmesan cheese.

Bake for 30-40 minutes until set and golden brown.

Serve hot or cold.