500 gms of Strong Bread Flour

10 gms Fresh Yeast or 7 gms Fast acting dried yeast

10 gms Salt

350 gms Water (or 350mls) weighing is more accurate!!


Turn the oven to 220°C Fan

Place a roasting tin in the bottom of the oven to heat up.

1. Place the flour into a large bowl

2. Add the salt to one side of the bowl

3. If using the fresh yeast add to the bowl on the opposite side to the salt and rub in with a little flour. If using dried yeast, just add.

4. Mix all together and add the water.

5. Mix around using a dough scraper until all the liquid is incorporated.

6. Tip out on to a VERY lightly oiled surface

7. Knead thoroughly for 10 minutes, stretching and pulling. The better you do this, the stronger the structure of the loaf and therefore a better finished result, especially if you are creating a loaf without the use of a tin.

8. Place into a clean lightly oiled bowl , cover and leave to prove at room temperature until doubled in size,  about 1 hour - 1½ hours.

9. Tip the dough out on to a lightly floured surface and gently reshape.

10. Use to create the shapes that you want, rolls, bloomer, cob, tin...the choice is yours!

11. Cover and leave to prove for about an hour until well risen.

12. Add some water to your roasting tin to create steam which will make your loaf more crusty. (You can spray a fine water mist in the oven as you put the bread in as an alternative)

13. Bake until golden brown and when 'tapped' on the bottom you get a 'hollow' sound - obviously the cooking times depend on what you are making - large loaf approx 25 - 30 mins, bread rolls approx 15 - 20 minutes

TIP   Don't put your bread into a warm place e.g. an airing cupboard, it will rise just as well in a normal temperature room, you also get a better flavour the longer the 'prove'. Bread will even rise in a fridge, it just takes longer!!