500 gms Strong Bread Flour

10 gms Salt

30 ml Oil.

10 gms Fast Action Dried Yeast

300 ml Lukewarm water

Beaten Egg for glazing.

Set the oven at 210ºC and place a tin in the bottom of the oven

1. Sift Flour into a bowl.

2. Put the salt one side of the bowl and the yeast on the other.

3. Add the oil to the water and add to the flour.

4. Mix with a dough hook in a mixer or knead together in a bowl until the dough leaves the sides of the bowl clean.

5. Tip on to a lightly oiled surface and knead thoroughly for at least 10 minutes.

6. Place in a bowl, cover, and leave to rise until at least double in size.

7. Turn out again on to a board and knead again for a few minutes.

8. Place into a loaf tin or free form into a cob shape, cover, and leave to rise again until almost double.

9. Brush lightly with a little egg or milk

Place some water in the hot tin (The steam will help form a good crust).

10 Put bread in the oven and bake for 30 – 40 mins until golden and when the bottom of the loaf is tapped it feels hollow.

11 Cool on a cooling rack.