250gm Strong bread flour

5gm Salt

7gm Quick action yeast

160ml Tepid water

2 teasp Olive oil

5gm Black onion seeds


1 Bag mixed leaves

200gm Chicken fillets

1 Tblsp olive oil

1 level teasp rosemary –fresh or dried

1 level teasp garlic salt

1 ripe avocado - cubed

½ green pepper – thinly sliced

Caesar dressing

30gm Parmesan shavings

Set the oven to 230°C Fan and place a tray in the oven to get hot.

Put the flour in a bowl (mixer with dough hook if you have one otherwise use a fork) and add the yeast to one side and the salt on the opposite side.

Add the black onion seeds and mix all together quickly.

Add the water and oil and mix until all the flour has been absorbed.

Tip a little oil on to the work surface and tip out the dough, knead until you have a smooth ball, about 5 minutes.

Place into a lightly greased bowl, cover with a clean cloth and leave to prove until the dough has doubled in size – about an hour and a half.

Tip out the dough on to a surface lightly dusted with flour and knock back by kneading for a couple of minutes.

Forms the dough into 6 equal size balls then roll each one into an oval about 1cm thick.

Take the hot tray from the oven, lightly dust with flour and place the ovals on it – you may need to cook in 2 batches.

Bake for about 10 minutes until the breads are puffed up and just light brown. Remove from the tray and cool. Cook any further batches the same.

Char grill the chicken fillets by placing them in a polythene bag along with the oil, rosemary and garlic, shake until thoroughly covered.

Place on a griddle or in a pan and cook for 4 to 5 minutes until cooked through and golden. Remove and cool.

Mix together the salad leaves, cubed avocado, sliced pepper, dressing and parmesan shavings.

Cut the cooled chicken into pieces about an inch long and add to the salad.

Slice open the pitta breads on one side and fill each with the Caesar salad.

Serve and enjoy.