Makes 8 small tarts in 8cm fluted tins.


225g plain flour
150g cold butter
75g ground almonds
75g caster sugar
1 large egg yolk plus 5 Tblsp cold water

Crème patissiere

4 egg yolks (reserve 2 whites)

60g caster sugar

25g plain flour

2 tsp cornflour

2Tsp Vanilla extract

280ml full cream milk.

4 tablespoons fresh double cream


The 2 reserve egg whites

100g caster sugar

Small pinch of salt

To finish.

300mls double or whipping cream

2 Tablsp icing sugar

1 teasp vanilla extract.

150g of med fresh strawberries

½ Strawberry jelly.

METHOD     Heat oven to 180°C Fan

Place the flour into a large bowl, cut the butter into small pieces and rub it into the flour with your fingers until it resembles breadcrumbs. (You can do this in a processor if you have one)

Stir in the ground almonds and the sugar and add the egg yolk and water

Mix everything together until you have a soft dough.

Roll the dough out and cut circles to fit your tins, they should be big enough to come slightly above the sides of the tin once pressed down.

Place in the fridge to rest for about 20 minutes then take out and trim up.

Prick all over with a fork and place a small piece of baking parchment in each case, fill with baking beans.

Bake for 10 minutes then remove the beans and cook for a further 5 – 6 minutes to dry out.

Remove from the oven and cool then take out of the tins on to a cooling rack. Lower oven temp to 120°C

Line two baking trays with non-stick baking paper.

Use an electric mixer to whisk egg whites and salt until soft peaks form.

Once all the sugar has been added, continue to whisk on high for 3 mins.

Use two teaspoons to spoon meringue onto lined trays or pipe small shells using a small star nozzle.

Bake meringues for 1 hour 20 mins. But do NOT brown. Turn oven out and leave meringues to dry.

To make the crème patissiere beat the egg yolks and sugar for a few minutes until pale and slightly thickened.

Add the flours and mix well.

Heat the milk in a saucepan together with the vanilla and as soon as it starts to simmer remove from the heat and add to the to the egg mix beating all the time.

Pour back into the saucepan and cook slowly until creamy and thickened, remove from the heat and whisk in the cream, cover to stop a skin forming and leave to cool completely.

Fill each tart with the custard.

Make the jelly as directed and when it is just starting to set (keep a close eye on it) gently spoon a thin layer over the tarts – chill to set.

Cut the strawberries into quarters lengthwise and pat excess moisture away with kitchen paper. Any large quarters cut in half.

Place the cream, icing sugar and vanilla extract into a bowl and whip until just soft peaks (do not overbeat, you don’t want the cream too stiff)

Break half your small meringues into small pieces, add to the cream mix along with the strawberries.

Pile a good heap on each tartlet and finish with a couple of small shells and a small or piece, of strawberry
