These buns are a traditional Norwegian children’s treat. This version adds a splodge of homemade raspberry jam to the classic custard-stuffed cardamom buns, topped with desiccated coconut.


425gms Plain Flour

1½ Teasps Ground Cardamom

85gms caster Sugar

1 Sachet of Yeast

42 gms butter

285mls Milk


2 Egg Yolks

150ml Double Cream

100mls Milk

55gms Caster Sugar

1 Tablsp Cornflour

1 Teasp Vanilla Extract

Raspberry jam to fill

6 Tablsp Icing Sugar ...for glaze - mix with 1 -2 Teasps water

80 - 100gms Desiccated coconut

1 Large Egg

Set the oven to 180°C

Make the dough - melt the butter and add the cold milk, heat until tepid.

Stir in the yeast and sugar - leave for 10 minutes.

Place the flour and cardamom in a mixer bowl or hand bowl.

Mix in the yeast mixture and using the dough hook (or by hand kneading) work until the dough pulls away from the bowl.

Tip put on to a very lightly floured surface and knead for about 5 minutes, the dough should be smooth and not sticky.

Place in a lightly oiled bowl and leave to rise until doubled in size.

While the dough is proving make the custard by creaming together the egg yolks, sugar and extract. Add the cornflower. Heat the milk and cream to a simmer and pour onto the egg mix whisking all the time.

Return to the pan and stir until thickened, leave to cool.

When the dough is ready tip on to the work surface and lightly knead for a couple of minutes.

Roll into a sausage shape and cut into 12 equal pieces.

Shape into balls and place on a baking tray, leave to prove again for about 30 minutes.

Press down an indentation into the middle of the bun and fill with the custard, brush with beaten egg.

Bake for 20 mins until brown.

Glaze with the icing sugar glaze and dip into the desiccated coconut.

Finish by placing raspberry jam on top of the custard