4 large free range eggs

4 round croutons of bread -about 3 to 4” diameter

200 gm Strong cheddar cheese

6 tablsp double cream

Paprika pepper

Salt and black pepper

Parsley to finish

Deep vegetable oil for frying


Heat the oil to 180° and fry the croutons of bread until golden, keep warm. (You can shallow fry the bread if preferred)

Break each egg into the fat enough to cover them and keep each egg together by using 2 spoons.

Turn the eggs carefully until a golden colour, this will take about a minute or two.

Drain on kitchen paper and keep warm

Melt the cheese gently with the cream, add a sprinkling of paprika and seasoning.

Place an egg on each crouton and cover with sauce

Brown under the grill.

Finish with a little paprika and place on a sprig of parsley.