This is a delicious bread to serve with many dishes, it is well worth taking the effort to make it!!

You can use pizza tins for these.


400gms Strong bread flour

2 Tablsp Olive Oil

250mls Tepid water

1 Teasp Salt

7gms Active dry yeast

4 |Cloves of garlic, minced or crushed.

35 grams Butter

120gms Mozzarella cheese – grated

30gms Parmesan cheese – grated.


Place the flour into a large bowl and add the salt to one side and the yeast to the other

Mix the oil and water together in a jug,

Whisk the flour yeast and salt together then add the water in one go.

Mix together by hand or in a mixer with a dough hook. The dough should be soft and on the sticky side.

Turn out on to a very lightly floured board and knead together until the stickiness goes and you have a smooth ball of dough.

Place in a lightly greased bowl, cover with a cloth and leave to prove until double in size.

Turn out on to a lightly floured surface and slightly kneed together.

Roll into one or two rounds (depending on your tin size) and place into the tins. Leave to prove for about 30 minutes.

Meanwhile melt the butter in a small pan and add the garlic.

When the dough is ready make some indentations with a wooden spoon handle and drizzle over the butter and garlic mix.

Sprinkle over the grated mozzarella and then the parmesan.

Bake at 200°C Fan until golden brown.

Cut into wedges and serve warm

Garlic Flat Bread