Makes a 2 pint or 1.2 litre  pudding.     

You can make smaller puddings by dividing the mixture into smaller basins, but the cooking time for each will be less depending on the size. If you are using individual basins they will only need steaming for about 3 - 3½ hours.

50gm S.R Flour

110gms White breadcrumbs (Try to make your own, they are nicer than bought ones!)

225gms Soft Dark Brown Sugar

120gms Shredded Suet (Beef or vegetarian is fine)

2 Large Eggs

1 Teasp Mixed Spice

½Teasp ground Nutmeg

½Teasp Ground Cinnamon

1 Med Cooking Apple - grated

1 Med Carrot - Grated

150gms Sultanas

110gms Raisins

250gms Currants

30gms Mixed Peel

20gms Chopped Almonds (optional)

1 Large Orange and 1 Large Lemon - grated zest only

30ml of rum or brandy

75ml Stout such as Guinness

75ml Strong Dark Beer

Start the pudding on the day before you want  to steam it.

  1.  Using a large bowl mix together well the sieved flour, suet, breadcrumbs, spices and sugar.
  2.  Add the mixed fruit, peel, nuits (if using) apple, carrot and fruit zests.
  3.  In a large meauring jug measure out the rum or brandy, stout and beer and add the eggs, beat together.
  4.  The mixture should have a fairly sloppy feel and should easily fall off a spoon. If it seem a bit stiff, add more beer or stout.
  5.  Cover the bowl with cling film, foil or a clean cloth and leave overnight.
  6.  The next day, grease your basins and pack the mixture in.
  7.  Cover with some greaseproof paper which has a pleat in the middle (to allow the pudding to expand when cooking) and then with foil that also has a pleat.
  8.  Tie around the basin securely with string and perhaps take the string across the top of the bowl and tie the other side to make a handle. (The pudding will be very hot when you remove it from the steamer.
  9.  Set the steamer over a pan of just simmering water, place a lid on top and steam the pudding for 8 hours. Keep a kettle boiled in order to top up the pan as it boils away..      DO NOT LET THE PUDDING BOIL DRY!
  10.  Lift the pudding out when cooked and leave to get cold
  11.  Remove the foil and greaseproof and replace with a new piece of greaseproof paper, also with a pleat.
  12.  Store in a cool spot until Christmas Day and then reheat for at least 3-4 hours by steaming or do as I do and place in a slow cooker on high as soon as you get up in the morning. Leave tucked away in a corner until time to serve with brandy sauce and cream!!

NB  Reheat individual puddings for about 1 - 2 hours.