You will need:

1 x Swiss Roll Tin

Baking Parchment

NOTE - The crystallised lemon is great for garnish but is optional, the roulade can just be served with tiny lemon rind strips and a dusting of icing sugar!


4 Egg whites                        170 gms Caster Sugar

225 gms Caster Sugar         85 gms Unsalted Butter

42 gms Flaked Almonds      200 gms Full Fat Mascarpone

Icing Sugar for dusting         250 mls Double Cream

Oil to grease the tin             1 Large Egg

                                             Grated rind of 2 Unwaxed Lemons

                                             Juice of 3 Lemons.


Lemon strips cut from the lemon used for juice

150 gms Caster Sugar + an extra 40 for the finish

120 mls water.

Boil and rinse the lemon strips twice just in plain water, then place the sugar and 120 mls water in the pan and stir until dissolved. Add the lemon strips and gently simmer for 15 - 20 mins. Strain and toss into a small bag of sugar until thoroughly covered, set aside.

Make the Lemon Curd.

1. Separate the 4 eggs for the meringue keeping 2 egg yolks aside.

2. Place  a bowl over simmering water or a use a double saucepan

3. Place in the bowl the sugar, lemon rind, butter and the juice, stir until dissolved.

4. Beat together the 1 whole egg and the 2 reserved egg yolks and add to the lemon mix  (off the heat) whisking vigorously

5. Place back on the heat, stirring constantly until the curd has JUST thickened. DO NOT OVER HEAT OTHERWISE THE MIXTURE WILL CURDLE.

6. Set aside to cool - could be done quicker by placing the bowl in cold water (take care not to get water in the curd!)

7. Whip the cream until softly thick but NOT stiff.

8. Beat the cream cheese and cooled lemon curd until really well blended and smooth.

9. Fold in the cream, the mixture will thicken, and set aside.

Make the meringue.

1. Lightly oil the Swiss roll tin and line with baking parchment.

2. Set the oven to 220°C

3. Whisk the 4 egg whites until stiff but not over beaten.

4. Add the sugar a spoonful at a time beating well (an electric mixer is the best for this!) The meringue will be really thick and shiny

5. Spoon into the tin and spread out evenly right to the edges and corners.

6. Sprinkle over the flaked almonds.

7. Bake in the oven for about 8 - 9 mins until the top is golden brown and then reduce the temperature to 160°C and continue baking for 10 - 12 mins until firm to the touch.

8. Place a sheet of baking parchment (larger than the tin) on a work surface and lightly dust with icing sugar.

9. Gently tip the cooked meringue onto the parchment topside down, leave to cool for about 15 mins.

10. Spoon the lemon cream over the meringue taking care not to over fill. (You may have some left over but this can be frozen and used for perhaps small lemon meringue tarts or to fill a sponge, on another day)

11. Roll up the meringue lengthways using the parchment to help you roll.

12. Leave rolled in then parchment and place in the freezer.

13. When ready to serve take out of the freezer about 1½ hours before and garnish with the crystallised lemon and a sprinkling of icing sugar.

You could also serve this chilled after about 3 - 4 hours in the freezer.