You will need an 8” (20cm) Pie dish.

500gm block of butter puff pastry.

1 Large leek – cut into large chunks

120gm Button mushrooms

300gm Cooked turkey meat

1 Teasp dried thyme

1 Tblsp oil

50gm Butter

50gm Plain flour

1 pint milk

½ Teasp Onion salt

White pepper.

Beaten egg for glaze


Place the oil and butter in a pan and add the leek, gently sweat for 5 minutes but do not brown.

Add the mushrooms and thyme, cook for a minute.

Stir in the flour and gently cook for a minute.

Slowly add the milk until you have a nice thick sauce, add the turkey meat and cook for a couple of minutes.

Add the onion salt and a little pepper then pour into your pie dish

Roll out the pastry and cover the pie, sealing well and fluting the edges.

Brush with beaten egg and cook for 30 minutes or until the pastry is well risen and golden brown.

N.B.  If you are making the pie to freeze, do NOT add the turkey meat until the leek and mushroom sauce is completely cold. Use fresh puff pastry if you are freezing, not frozen!