200g  Penne pasta, cooked and lightly oiled.

200g tin tuna

1 Gem lettuce - shredded

150ml Mayonnaise

½ Red pepper, diced

¼ Cucumber - diced

85g cooked or tinned sweet corn

Juice of ½ a lemon

2 hard boiled eggs, quartered

A few tinned anchovies

A little parsley for garnish


Drain the tuna and use a fork to roughly break it into flakes.

Put the tuna into a large bowl and add the lemon juice to taste.

Add the mayonnaise, combine.

Add the pasta and stir together until evenly mixed.

Add the pepper, cucumber and sweet corn to the pasta mix and stir together.

Add a little seasoning to taste.

Place the shredded lettuce on to a serving dish and place the pasta mix on top.

Arrange the egg quarters and anchovies to taste.

Garnish with a little parsley.