450gm Plain flour

225gm Butter

90gm Icing sugar

2 Med eggs

½Teasp Vanilla extract

Pinch salt

Milk or water to mix


750gm Pumpkin flesh

120gm Raisins

140gm Caster sugar

2 large eggs – beaten

1 teasp Cinnamon

¾ Teasp Nutmeg

30gm Soft  butter

175ml Milk

Icing sugar to dust

METHOD      Set the oven to 160˚C Fan

Place the pumpkin flesh in a pan and cover with water, Bring to the boil and simmer until the flesh is soft and tender, about 20 minutes. Drain and leave to cool.

Place the flour in a bowl and rub in the butter until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs.

Add the salt and stir in the icing sugar.

Add the eggs and extract and pull together into a smooth dough. Add a little water or milk depending on the texture of your dough.

Place in the fridge to chill for 20 minutes.

Roll out the pastry to line a 22cm loose bottom flan tin and chill for another 20 minutes.

Line the pastry with baking parchment and beans and bake for 15 minutes.

Remove the paper and bake for a further 10 minutes Remove from the oven and leave to one side.

Lightly puree the pumpkin flesh in a blender or rub through a sieve.

In a different bowl stir together the sugar, salt, raisins, nutmeg and cinnamon.

Mix in the eggs, soft butter and milk then stir in the pumpkin puree.

Pour into the pastry case and bake for about 35 minutes until just set.

Leave to cool and then remove from the tin.

To serve sprinkle with a dust of icing sugar.