250gm Plain Flour  

150gm Slightly Salted Butter  

2 Egg Yolks   

2 Tablsp Cold water  

55gm Icing Sugar   

½ Teasp Salt    


225mls Double Cream

150mls Milk

 3 Egg Yolks

 85gm Caster Sugar

1½ Tablsp Cornflour

1½ Tablsp Vanilla Paste


Summer Berries of your choice - e.g. Strawberries, Raspberries, Blueberries, Redcurrants

½ Strawberry jelly


Set the oven to 180°C

Make the pastry - cut the cold butter into pieces  and rub into the flour until the mix resembles fine breadcrumbs in texture.

Add the salt and icing sugar, mix well.

Add the egg yolk and water and kneed together until you have a smooth dough, place in a poly bag or cling film and refrigerate for at least one hour.

Make the crème patissiere - mix together the cream, milk and vanilla paste into a pan and place on the heat.

In a med bowl whisk together the egg yolks, sugar and cornflour.

When the cream blend is just beginning to simmer pour onto the egg mix whisking quickly as you do so.

Pour back into the pan and over a low heat bring to a simmer for about 5 minutes until thick and creamy. Leave to cool completely.

Remove the pastry from the fridge and leave for about 10 mins before rolling out on a lightly floured board working fast and keeping everything as cold as possible. The pastry should be fairly thin and even.

Cut out rounds to fit your tins and place carefully leaving a slight overhang of dough, chill in the fridge for 30 minutes.

Line the pastries with baking parchment pieces and fill with baking beans, place in  the oven and bake for 12 - 15 minutes. Remove the paper and beans and place back in the oven for a further 6-7 minutes. Leave to cool and then remove from the tins.

To finish the tarts - place creme patissiere in each case and then fill with your chosen fruits in a decorative way.

Dissolve the jelly in a little water and make up to just under half a pint with cold water and ice cubes (this will set the jelly quicker).

When beginning to set spoon over the fruit tarts being careful not to spill any down the sides and place in the fridge until completely set.


N.B. The egg whites you have over can be placed in the freezer and stored until you need to make meringues or for any other use!!